Tuesday, April 20, 2010


For the past four months, I have been convinced I was having a little girl. I have wandered the mall looking at little dresses and floral decor. I even named her...Norah Elizabeth. It's was settled in my mind, I didn't even consider the possibility that a male is living inside me. Now I know you can see where I am going with this...it's a BOY!

The ultrasound technician mentioned it casually, like it wasn't a tremendous deal..just another baby. My darling husband instantly perked up, unsure if he heard what he thought he had. I questioned sarcastically "Are you sure?". She turned the monitor and pointed with the mouse to what appeared a rather visible penis. There was no questioning the sex of this child.

I sat flustered thinking, my God, what are we going to name this kid, how am possibly going to decorate a nursery without it looking tacky...covered in sports memorabilia. What if the second is a boy...can I mentally handle that? It was like I found out for the first time I was pregnant. I felt under-prepared. I know NOTHING about babies. In total honesty, I've never even held a baby...diapers..I don't even know where to begin. But a girl, well, I'm a girl. We'd experience similar aspects of life, it seemed I could semi-relate.

Mike was thrilled. There's something entertaining about watching a man when they learn a boy is on the way. His nose rose in the air, chest puffed out...it was like watching a rooster on the prowl. He has now accomplished his primary goal...his name will be passed on...the legacy that is Mike will continue on yet another generation. Success, pride, super sperm.

Later in the evening, I walked around Babies "R" Us. It was overwhelming...a superstore of baby stuff. How many of these products will I ever use? I need to brainstorm with someone who brought up a child in the 1950's to figure out what's a necessity and what will simply end up in the closet. I'm having flashbacks of my wedding gifts...the steamer, juicer, espresso maker all hidden behind linens near the bathroom. (Sorry if anyone who is reading this purchased the listed items...I am truly grateful).

Furthermore, there is far more merchandise directed towards little girls than boys. A sea of pink vomit covering the store. Boys get cars, giraffes, sports, and barn animals...how lame. Nothing is without theme. You'd think a basic pattern would be available...something that wouldn't dictate how I decorate the rest of the room. But no, my search will go on. The ides of registering makes me slightly queezy; more so than any morning sickness I've experienced.


  1. Steph you are too funny! I didn't know you had a blog! I know what you mean about finding stuff that doesn't have a theme, though. All the girl stuff has ballerina bunnies and whatnot, which I wasn't a fan of. Which is why I decided to make my own crib stuff--quilt, bumpers, etc. Now, if you will just pick out what colors you want, how about if I do the same for you as your baby gift??

  2. Steph, this is so good - I am reading it to Russ. He loves your blogs. I am having more fun with your pregnancy - and I'll be right around the corner when you have the little guy...can't wait.
